I have a strong passion for composition, the patterns, shapes and brilliance of colors, the illumination of hard lines and organic, the acoustic, the stars and the expanding universe, the artificial, the surreal and subconscious; The geometry of existence.

◊ Steelwool ◊

[img_gallery id=”624″ type=”colorbox” layout=”grid” orderby=”” order=”” description=”” placement=”” crop=”center”]

◊ Industrial ◊

[img_gallery id=”666″ type=”colorbox” layout=”grid” orderby=”” order=”” description=”” placement=”” crop=”center”]

◊ Bokeh ◊

[img_gallery id=”658″ type=”colorbox” layout=”grid” orderby=”” order=”” description=”” placement=”” crop=”center”]

◊ Light Painting ◊

[img_gallery id=”638″ type=”colorbox” layout=”grid” orderby=”” order=”” description=”” placement=”” crop=”center”]